Angelis Island

Angelis Island is one of the largest islands within Jupiter, and by far the most well known. Stories of this island stretch trillions of light years away into the depths of the Yonderverse, even if people have never heard of the planet it belongs to. The island is completely encased within the River Of Life, a major river system that flows from Jupiter's Core to Jupiter's Edge.

Cultural Influence

Jovians have made their mark in space for thousands of years, first appearing in space roughly four thousand years ago. These people worship Angelis Island, for it has turned into a safe refuge from the dangerous animals that lurk round the corners of Jupiter, which says a lot as the average jovian weighs a thousand kilograms. People that make pilgrimages to Angelis Island always bring home a small pebble, as a reminder of the journey they took.

As jovians travelled round space, they shared their love of Angelis Island with the people they met. They would use these pebbles as gifts, symbols of alliances.


Angelis Island, thanks to its nigh-inaccessibility from dry air, has many endemic species. Some species that somehow made it to the island hundreds, thousands, or millions of years ago found refuge in this floating rock and over time they formed self-sustaining ecosystems. There are 234 recorded aurvad species, 193 birds, 28 mammals, 4 reptiles, 63 amphibians, 18 arthropods, and 72 insect species, among others.

A whopping 63% of the species on Angelis Island cannot be found anywhere else on the planet.


Small, arboreal aurvads that produce an obscene amount of gas from their probosci. They are nocturnal and spend most of their days asleep in leaf hammocks.

Flattel Ray

Flattel rays are not endemic to Angelis Island, but are much more abundant there.
Flattel Ray by Mochi


Barb-tongues are the smallest aurvad endemic to Angelis Island. These animals are no more than a centimetre in length, scuttling through tiny burrow networks underground.


Valaraes Swan

The smallest swan species on the planet. Valaraes swans use their necks to strangle their prey to death, which usually consists of fish in the River Of Life.


Hatebirds are the opposite of lovebirds. They live solitary lives, only ever meeting in pairs to mate, which they then abandon after finishing. Females look after eggs but once they are hatched, chicks are left on their own.

Salty Wren

Salty wrens are a small passerine species that produce extremely salty saliva, secreted from their feathers. They leave stains on trees which bleach them, slowly killing them.
Island, Floating
Location under
Inhabiting Species

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Aug 25, 2023 18:48 by Darren McHaffie

Is there a Demonic Underisland too?

Aug 26, 2023 05:33

Hatebirds really said "I need no family."

Sep 1, 2023 13:44 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

Hatebirds and salty wrens are my new faves.

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