Isadell Settlement in Yl Ter Tribaht | World Anvil
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  • “The Learned City”
  • Built immediately AC, as a sort of guard against the unknowns of the new area
  • The elves’ main trading port and point of contact with the rest of Yl Ter Tribaht -- this is the primary outward-facing city for the high elves, and is the farthest main city from the capital (Shehaena)
  • Run by the Isadell Council
  • In addition to the University and Conservatories, houses many libraries, archives, theaters, and prep schools (gotta get into university!)
  • Temples are not particularly prominent/central to Isadell -- the most prominent are those for Milil and Oghma, but other small temples can be found too
  • Look and feel
    • Sprawling walled city, walls and most official buildings are wood that appears to treated in some protective way, as it’s a deep mahogany reddish color
    • At sunrise and sunset, the wood seems to glow warmly
    • Most other buildings are wood as well
    • Lots of parks and open green areas, fountains, etc.
    • Very well maintained and ordered, quiet and serene for what’s known to be such a big city
    • Smells of freshly cut grass and very faintly of some unidentified flower
    • Atmosphere is austere with the utmost respect for knowledge and art, not really a place of revelry unless you know where to look
    • The culture is very much that things should be done well (perfectly even) or not done at all -- parts of the city feel out-of-touch with reality for being so centrally-located


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