El'Tudiam University Building / Landmark in Yl Ter Tribaht | World Anvil
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El'Tudiam University

El'Tudiam University is a world-renowned institution devoted to excellence in teaching, learning, and research. The University is led by Dean Haelond Celorfin and four Archmasters, one for each Mastery. The Masteries are areas in which the university focuses:
  • Bios: humanoid anatomy and medicine (humanoids), non-humanoid studies, marine biology, botany
  • Cosmos: astronomy & extraplanar studies, physics, chemistry, alchemy, principles of magic
  • Anthros: world history, politics, diplomacy, languages, governments & laws
  • Ethos: philosophy, religion, mathematics, accounting
  • While students must choose one Mastery in which their studies are centered, students will often take a double Mastery or an additional minor Mastery in order to fully grasp the nuances of their chosen field. Admissions examinations take place once per year, and involve both written and oral/demonstrative portions. Upon acceptance, tuition is 500 gold per semester, although this can be offset marginally through working for the university's administration or for a professor in their research.
    El'Tudiam has Satellite Research Outpost all over the world as needed to delve into the mysteries of certain fields. Two such research centers, The El'Tudiam Cosmos Research Outpost and The El'Tudiam Marine Biology Research Outpost are located in Isadell. At El'Tudiam, it is believed that the pursuit of knowledge is something that must be done diligently and cannot be rushed. For this reason, there is no set time frame established for graduation -- rather, a student graduates when they have proven Mastery in their chosen field. This requires nomination for Mastery by the student's sponsoring professor and Archmaster, with demonstrated Mastery and final approval from all Archmasters and the Dean. The thoroughness and lengthiness of this process tends to dissuade all but the longest-lived races, such as elves, from pursuing full Mastery from El'Tudiam.
    El'Tudiam University

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