El'Tudiam Archives Building / Landmark in Yl Ter Tribaht | World Anvil
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El'Tudiam Archives

As you enter the gates of El'Tudiam University, you see the Archives -- a massive, round, gleaming wood building -- directly in front of you. This building is famed all over the world for the breadth and depth of knowledge contained within its walls.   Upon entry, you are in large antechamber. A large desk in the center of the space blocks immediate entry into the Archives proper. As the Archives are open 24 hours nearly every day of the year, an attendant sits behind the desk to ensure that only students or those with special permissions are allowed access to the wealth of knowledge inside. On the left and right sides of the antechamber, doors lead to administrative rooms. A door also leads to towers on the right and left of the antechamber; the one on the right houses Dean Haelond Celorfin's office and personal library.   Beyond the desk, the room opens up into a massive round hall. Shelves of common books and references line the walls surrounding tables and comfortable chairs designed for hours upon hours of research and reading. Dust motes move lazily in beams of light streaming in from windows near the high, domed ceiling. Four arches at the north, south, east, and west cardinal points open up to spiraling staircases that climb the Bios, Ethos, Anthros, and Cosmos Towers. These towers are where the real treasures of the Archives are kept. It can, however, often be a challenge to find the tomes or information you're looking for, as books are filed by topic classification -- a book on ancient gods, for example, could be found in the Ethos tower due to its pertinence to religion to in the Anthros tower for its historical relevance.
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