Eris Galarina Character in Yl Ter Tribaht | World Anvil
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Eris Galarina

  • 182 year old female elf (half wood elf, half high elf)
  • Long, wavy, auburn hair with jet black tips and an unfinished abstract tattoo on her right hand, black eyes, copper skin, 5'1"
  • Dresses in mostly black and dark blues, but practically for travel -- you can tell her clothes are both extremely well made and well worn
  • Rebel without a cause vibe
  • Works in Satellite Relations for El'Tudiam University's Administrative Offices: works in managing portfolio of Satellite Research Outposts 
  • High-elf mother is on the Isadell Council -- Eris was forced to take her last name and hates her for kicking her wood elf father out
  • Mother was forcing her to be a student at the University -- Eris intentionally failed the entrance exam (she's extremely smart and could've passed it with ease), but mom forced her to take a job with the University instead in the hopes that she can try again next year (admissions only happen once a year) -- so she applied for Satellite Management and is using it as an excuse to get out of Isadell as much as possible (checking up on all the research outposts, seeking potential new locations and/or professors/researchers)

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