Stazia Organization in Yarradon | World Anvil
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The secret organisation of Stazia exist all throughout the Northern region. Their endgame is unknown but their individual actions work to aid the disadvantaged. They hire from the poorest and most ignored parts of society and can bring corporations and kings to their knees, though they'd never take the credit.


Members of Stazia tend to have been bought in by a headhunter, but will be encouraged to act autonomously. A central council forms the leadership who create tasks and offer them out to the Stazia community in return for a reward. The council operate under a mandate from a mysterious outside source that only occasionally has contact with anyone in the North.

Public Agenda

They are publicly a technologies company that develop, sell and distribute small technological gimmicks throughout the North. They are one of the most prevalent producers of 'Add Ons' for PMVs.

Innovation is the path to happiness

Secret, Governmental arm
Alternative Names
La Marionette; The Cult of Chaos (Derogatory)

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