Sapiakas in Xaritry | World Anvil
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Sapiakas (Sae-pe-ah-kahs)

Sapiakas are one of the two sapient species native to Paradixa. Also very feathered, Sapiakas are closer to family-friendly depictions of Angels, being humanoid like most sapient lifeforms with skin tones varying in shades of gray. Their arms double as wings, similar to that of bats, only feathered.   Sapiakas and Paradixies co-exist fairly and contribute to each others' societies just fine, however, there is some divide from their very different behaviors. Unlike the very "traditional" societal roles of Paradixie society, Sapiaka society is much more similar to that of the Civinkans, only Sapiakas have a more prominent relation to romantic love rather than platonic and familial love. Sapiakan bonds are formed usually by reciprocating romantic feelings for one another (I say usually in the context that this is exempt from obvious cases where romance would and should not apply. [Additionally, if you're a proshipper or anything similar reading this get the hell out!! I don't like you stay the fuck away from my worldbuilding project!!!]) and more often than not Sapiakas form polyamories.   Sapiakas still have prominent relations to platonic and familial love as well, as plenty of queerplatonic relations exist in this society, and many Sapiakan families (should bonded groups choose to have children) are well cared for and respected as members of a household.   In terms of Sapiakan diets, they consist almost entirely of plants and vegetables as they are herbivores. However, Sapiakas does not shy away from eating meat, despite not being biologically built for consuming meat. Perhaps it is a part of Sapiakan culture that encourages them to try abnormal things.   Sapiakas share the same Wealth and Military Status as Paradixies.

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