Paradixa in Xaritry | World Anvil
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Paradixa (Para-dik-sa)

Paradixa is the Paradise Planet of The Luness System. It is a completely habitable planet full of (mainly feathered) life. It is commonly Springtime there which is accompanied by peaceful breezes and has a very tropical environment planet-wide, with many beaches, oases, and whatnot. For a mainly sand planet, Paradixa is the perfect planet for harboring life.   Paradixa is secondly famous for its red-salt water. Most water on the planet is saltwater, and hence many lifeforms need high-salt diets to live. A minor inconvenience for its native and sapient species, one which looks very avian-like and one that looks much more humanoid.   The planet is much more water than land, making most civilizations and buildings floating or underwater. However, there are still civilizations on land, just not as many, creating rural land communities, comfy shore suburbs, and bustling ocean cities. All of these come together to form a functioning and stable society free of the issues of overpopulation.

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