Amelie Mae Hawthorne Character in Wyrth | World Anvil
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Amelie Mae Hawthorne

Physical Description

Body Features

She has a tail and calcified plates on her legs from her feet to mid-thigh.

Facial Features

She has very prominent fangs and six horns (four tiny ones and two large)

Physical quirks

Due to her demonic physiology, she lacks external sex organs, allowing her to not need to wear clothing - though she still usually does.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Amelie is a very special child – something that has made her an object of focus for both Pandemonium and Celestia. She's a Jackel, but she's also half Seraph. Both of these are things that have actually been kept from her by Marzia, the demon that has kept her in a time bubble for – what has been for her – the last fifteen years. In actuality, she's only been there for five years, but, due to Marzia's control over time, she has experienced it differently. This is actually directly connected to her nature, though, as it is that very thing that caused Marzia to abduct her from her mother.   From the time she could walk, Amelie was told that she was an orphan. Marzia told her that her mother died fighting demons and her father left her. For years, that served to placate the young girl, leaving her content to simply play in the eternal garden her “aunt” had created for her. However, as she got older, the questions got harder for Marzia to avoid.   When Amelie was fifteen, she asked Marzia point blank why her father had left. How did Marzia get her out of the warzone if Jericho died? Why didn't Marzia help if she has the power to make a “safe place” to hide the two of them? Why didn't Marzia take her to her father? The questions were too much, causing Marzia to break the cover she had kept up for fifteen years and reveal her true nature. Infuriated by the incessant questioning, she tried to intimidate Amelie by turning to her demonic form. Alas, this backfired, confirming Amelie's every suspicion, though she kept a cool face.   That night, she escaped from the time bubble, heading out in search of her father.


Negligible. She has no formal education.

Mental Trauma

Having her suspicions confirmed that Marzia was, in fact, evil and had stolen her away from her family was reality shattering.

Intellectual Characteristics

She's a bit stunted, having been sheltered from every other person but Marzia for her entire life. She can speak, but she has no education and knows nothing of the real world.

Morality & Philosophy

Despite her having been raised by an Archdemon, she has actually maintained a very innocent approach to the world. She genuinely cared for all the little creatures that were trapped in the time bubble with her and doesn't like killing.
Year of Birth
9796 5 Years old
Circumstances of Birth
She's a special case because she is a Jackel born to a Seraph and a man that's technically human.
Medium length, pink
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
4ft 9in or 1.45m
88lbs or 39.92kg

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