Lymnia, Goddess of the Moon Character in World of the Star Mirror | World Anvil
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Lymnia, Goddess of the Moon

Lymnia, goddess of the moon - Patron goddess of the large island/small continent north of where the major action in my story takes place. Priests gain the ability to interpret the future from dreams, and to change and influence dreams. Her priestesses are highly integrated into the government and dreams are taken into account for major political decisions. Actually every decision in the country.

Divine Domains

The Moon, dreams, minor fortune telling.

Holy Books & Codes

Has many books, mostly on dream interpretation, rituals, and cultural practices.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

White with a blue tinge, moon phases

Divine Goals & Aspirations

To protect her worshipers and grow the wealth of her country.

Personality Characteristics


Fiercely protective of her country and her worshipers. Worshiping a god other than her is forbidden and any who try will be exiled.


Family Ties

Considers The Grey Lady to be like a sister to her, as they share divination willingly, though through different methods. The Grey Lady's prophecy is more robust and Lymnia's is more vague, left to the interpretation of dreams.
Current Residence
Aligned Organization

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