God Classification and Prayer in World of the Star Mirror | World Anvil
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God Classification and Prayer

Mortals pray to gods, and gods sometimes choose to grant their wishes. It is a symbiotic relationship. The mortal has a problem solved, and the god entices the human to commit their soul to them, so that the god may absorb the power of that soul after death.   There are limitations to whether a god can hear a prayer, and if they are able to answer it. Some gods are more powerful than others, and their range extends farther. A god is made up of energy, and sits over the world like a blanket, overlapping with others. If a person prays to a god outside of this range, they won't be heard.   As such, gods are classified as Global or Local. Global gods encompass the entire world, and can hear prayers from anywhere. Local gods vary greatly in their field of influence. Some encompass entire continents, others cities, and some may only be as large as a pool of water. They can only answer prayers when the person is physically close enough for them to be heard. Of course a god can wander, but this risks leaving their priests without access to the powers the god grants them. Both Global and Local gods have priests and temples dedicated to them, the locations of which are prescribed by the Treat ( Regarding the Gods ).   There is a third category, Wild Gods. These gods usually don't have followers or temples, and they chose not to have a specific geographical realm of influence. They don't care for mortals the same way Global and Local gods do, but will still answer prayers on a whim. These gods wander, so the chances of them being around to answer a prayer are not guaranteed. They may chose to invest power in a mortal on a whim as well, only to leave them high and dry by forgetting about them and wandering off to the other side of the world.   Back to prayer. Previous to the treaty, gods answered wishes of all kinds, which led to chaos and confusion and great power imbalances. Some gods did specialize, yes. Atira, Goddess of Healing has always shared the power of healing, but so too did other gods. After the treaty, it was collectively decided that each god would specialize, to prevent jealousy. Now Atira was the only one who could heal, or grant healing powers. Everyone could pray to her though, even those who were sworn to other gods. Likewise, a person could pray to Arapys, God of Blood to gain an edge in battle without promising their soul to him.   The gods answer these prayers in the hope that the person will be impressed with their temporary abilities and will join their temple to gain them permanently. Smaller gods try extra hard to please mortals, as the only way they can get stronger is to win the hearts and souls of mortals. Power shifts over time, as one god gains popularity another fades. Luckily with the treaty, prosperity is high and populations are increasing, meaning more followers to go around for the gods.

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