Benon, God of Broken Promises Character in World of the Star Mirror | World Anvil
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Benon, God of Broken Promises

Benon, god of Broken Promises - Dramatic name, but he is the god, made up up fragments of gods killed in the war, and his purpose is to stop another one from breaking out. He is the enforcer of the treaty, and has authority, granted to him by all the gods, to hunt down gods who threaten the peace. His followers deal with the followers of the other gods, those who threaten the peace as well as those who abuse their powers and break their oaths to their own gods. The gods can request Benon’s followers take a bounty for any of their own followers. Worldwide god, lots of training center temples, as fighting skills as necessary. Feared and disliked by many gods, but accepted as a necessity.

Divine Domains

Broken Promises, Revenge, bounty hunting

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Broken Ring
Aligned Organization

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