Ancients Species in World of the Clay People | World Anvil
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Little is known about this species other than what can be gleaned from their remains and that they were responsible for creating the Clay People tens of thousands of years ago. It is speculated that the Clay People were originally created in their image, but since their body is crafted by their parents, most resemblance has been lost since.

Basic Information


The Ancients were bipedal, vaguely humanoid creatures. Their skulls indicate that they were of either reptilian or avian ancestry, but there is considerable debate about their exact taxonomy, since they do not appear to have any closely related living evolutionary relatives.

Additional Information

Average Intelligence

Presumed to be highly intelligent.

Civilization and Culture

Average Technological Level

Highly technologically advanced, some theorise to a level even more advanced than the extraterrestrials.


It is unknown what wiped the Ancients out several tens of thousands of years ago. Presumably, they had a highly advanced technological civilisation. Most of the remnants have been lost to time, although some plastic artefacts remain recognisable. It is theorised that they exhausted the planet's fossil fuel supply and caused some degree of global warming in the process.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

The Clay People were created by them, but for what exact purpose is unknown.   The Fae appear to have been in touch with them, but do not appear to have any extant records on them because the Fae considered them unimportant.
Genetic Descendants
Unknown, presumed to be long
Average Height
Around 1.80m

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