Vow of the Knight Errant Tradition / Ritual in World of Mythris | World Anvil
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Vow of the Knight Errant

"I give my body, heart and soul, to the Lady whom I seek. No plea for help shall find me wanting. No obstacle will stand before me. No evil will taint the lands bequeathed unto me. When the clarion call is sounded, I will ride out and fight in the name of Liege and Lady. That which is sacrament, I shall preserve. That which is sublime, I will protect. That which threatens, I will destroy, for my holy wrath will know no bounds. Honor is all. Chivalry is all. Rejoice, for we, the Knights of Errant... will be your shield. On this I will swear, honor and adoration to the Duchess."

Components and tools

The Duchess will knight the individual with Sunfang, the sword of House Val'ianie.


Knights, nobles


Knighting can only be performed on the six day of the week at noon. As to allow the most dignitaries possible to witness the occurrence. The sixth day of the week in Foridia is a day of rest. At minimal, six people besides the Duchess must be present to witness.
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