The Maidenhair Inn Building / Landmark in World of Mythris | World Anvil
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The Maidenhair Inn

The Maidenhair is owned by a widowed man and his lover, both of whom are human. Both Alejandro and Mercedes, the owners, are law-abiding citizens with no hidden secrets or notable personality quirks. Before owning the tavern, Mercedes worked there under the previous owner, while Alejandro traveled the countryside as a merchant's guard. The inspiration for the tavern's name was a local legend, its said that the remains of a Swan Maiden are buried near it, its told that if you pluck a hair from her head you will be able to take flight like a bird. It is a tavern of modest quality, and its main draw besides the Swan Maiden is an eating challenge—if you can eat it all, you don't have to pay.


Constructed in 1171.
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