The Faceless Character in World of Mythris | World Anvil
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The Faceless

A scion of the King of the Moors, the entity known as Faceless is a powerful Sorcerer. It can assume many forms, and is the chief spy for the King. Faceless is power hungry beyond imagination, and only serves the King because of the knowledge that is hidden deep within the corrupted halls of Carnwrath. Faceless has a powerful teleporting orb that allows it to transport anywhere it wishes, and seed chaos wherever it deems necessary. It desires only power, and has shown to embrace the darkest side of mortality in order to gain more of it. Going so far as to accept the will of Yog itself. Morphing itself into its image and embracing the near limitless power it can offer. The Faceless overthrew the King of the Moors, calling him a fool and too weak to let the true gift of Yog in his life. The King barely escaped with his life, and with his absence, the citadel fortress of Carnwrath warped and twisted into Yog's visage. This full acceptance of the old ones power, mutated the Faceless into a monstrous morphic being of untapped raw arcane power.   The intrusive conscience of Yog had finally entered a worthy and submissive host. Its dark whispers driving it mad, tearing into the very fabric of the sorcerers mind.
Current Location
Year of Death
1633 AS
Circumstances of Birth
Circumstances of Death
Slain by the heroes of Foridia
Any color
Any hair
Aligned Organization

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