The Archwalk and Castile Fallwater Building / Landmark in World of Mythris | World Anvil
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The Archwalk and Castile Fallwater

Occupying the wide surface of the Archwalk, a bazaar of shifting, seasonal merchants’ stalls serve as a perfect place to sell their wares. During holy days, celebrations often erupt along the cobblestone road down the center of the arch. The Archway is a mile long stretch of stone land bridge that crosses the Feymarch River, and overlooks the water to the east. A massive set of falls drop for two hundred feet and crash into the rest of the river below. In the center of the Archwalk sits Castile Fallwater, a place of rest for travelers and gathering place for Knights Errant looking to relax. In order to get the ships from the Feymarch down the falls, the Duchy's famous engineers built a massive lift that travels up and down the waterfalls.

Purpose / Function

Protect the Feymarch River.
Acropolis / Citadel
Parent Location
Owning Organization

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