Lake Glassheart Geographic Location in World of Mythris | World Anvil
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Lake Glassheart

Leaves from the Feymarch River collect year-round within the clear depths of the Lake Glassheart. In spring and summer, the lake reflects the colors trapped below in vibrant greens and rainbow bursts of flowering hues. By autumn, fiery reds, oranges, and yellows blaze through the water. In winter, the oft-frozen surface hides depth-less blacks that make the lake appear as unfathomable as the night sky. Legends say that drinking from the Glassheart can, depending on the season, grant long life, cut a life short, intoxicate, or invigorate. In the middle of the lake lies a hilly island covered in mysterious willows, surrounding the ruins of an ancient, crumbling tower. Eerie witchlights glow above the tower on summer nights and will-o’-wisps congregate here throughout the fall, perhaps holding eerie councils or plotting whatever motivates their inscrutable deeds.
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