Kingdom of Ren Geographic Location in World of Mythris | World Anvil
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Kingdom of Ren

Ren is a beautiful stretch of land, with rolling hills, grassy plains and vibrant forests. It is here that the first of the Sylvanara awoke from the harmonic song of creation sent forth by Brega. Although it is beautiful, it has tragic stories as well, brothers fought against brothers during the War of Idle, scarring lands to this day. Invasions from hordes of Krull, and a rampant problem regarding goblin tribes in the eastern stretches of the land. This is the oldest of all Elven Kingdoms, something the elves of Navi Ren take great pride in. While in the east in the Lordship of the Last Sylva, they are seen as traitors to their kind for taking the side of man during the War of Idle.
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