King Fenris Alamora Character in World of Mythris | World Anvil
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King Fenris Alamora

King Alamora was not by any means a great man. However, he knew money and how to speak to others. On the central plateau of the newly named country of Alamor, he laid the first bricks to what would in time be known as Amrosia. His reign brought upon a golden age for the new sovereign state. He opened formal talks with the Kingdom of Tel Morath, and began a healthy relationship with the former homeland of Alamorians. He went on to marry a wise Elven woman by the name of Trelonia Ren, the daughter of the Elven regent of Navi Ren, the capitol of the Elven nation within Tel Morath. This marriage secured a strong alliance with the Elves. He went on to father a dozen children, all of which became famous in their own right. His middle son, Tiberious, became the second King of Alamor, and further progressed the country into a more recognizable visage. He instilled a deep sense of justice and morality that is still shared by Alamorians to this day.
10 PS 59 AS
Circumstances of Birth
Peasant Birth.
Circumstances of Death
Passed in his sleep.
165 lbs

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