Slate of the Gods Document in World of Gods | World Anvil
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Slate of the Gods

A large crystal structure that holds all actions a mortal takes in their life and ascribes them point values.


It is used to determine where every mortal goes to after death.

Document Structure


It has three sections.  The first is the actions of every single mortal alive and the total scores of each.  The second is a record of how evil or good a specific action is.  The third is a record of how chaotic or lawful a specific action is.


Scriptures of Revenge as a determinant for how good or bad something is.

Publication Status

It is incredibly difficult to get access to this.

Historical Details


Was created by Gae to accurately sort people into afterlives based on their morality.

Public Reaction

Knowledge of the slate slowly seeped into the public consciousness and nobody dared to do anything about it.


Decides where most souls go after death.


It is still in effect and has been since creation.
Report, Civil
Crystal, Magical

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