Bytopia Geographic Location in World of Gods | World Anvil
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A paradise of floating islands, each one of which caters to a specific wish, populated by angels and good souls who spend their eternity exploring and enjoying the endless pleasures available to them. Most testimony about this plane comes from Belahir or angels who have lived there. It is known that this plane extends infinitely in all directions, although whether the amount of land is infinite is in question, but all the islands seem to be in roughly the same plane, and gravity always seems to pull in the same direction. The origin of the name of the plane is a mystery to most scholars, and Bytopia is widely utilized because it is the one used by Belahir.


A series of floating islands, each of which is unique and constantly moving in the endless sky.

Fauna & Flora

Angels and good people, as well as whatever the islands create.
Alternative Name(s)
The Floating Isles of Paradise
Dimensional plane
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