Sylvia Roanhorse Character in World of Darkness | World Anvil
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Sylvia Roanhorse

I've got a contact in the paper; don't worry - one quick call, she'll spin this whole thing and our names will be clear. The papers will report this as a gang shooting or something and the Prince won't have to know a God dammed thing
— Gengis
  The media is a vital part of controlling society. If you are able to spin the media to tell a narrative you want, the public will lap it up no questions. That is why a recent fledgling in Chicago has made those in the know quite worried. Sylvia Roanhorse was (and still is) a reporter for the Chicago Star. Her deep connections with the Chicago Star has troubled a number of Kindred who have discovered Sylvia's presence within the city. They worry that nobody has heard of this Sylvia before and question what her goals are, who is her master.   As far as most are aware though, Sylvia has little in terms of schemes or plans. She doesn't even seem particularly interested in politics; rather Sylvia keeps her head down and just tries to survive night to night. She keeps to herself mostly, having very few contacts in Kindred society. Those she have met have either been through happenstance or others learning of Sylvia's presence within Chicago. She has not officially announced herself and there seems to be little plan for her to ever do so.   Those that know Sylvia, know that she is very interested in the history of Chicago - in particular the history surrounding Native American Tribes. She often will go to the American Indian Center in Chicago, researching the history of the Native American tribes and their connection to the land and Lake Michigan. It was this research that had Sylvia crossing paths with Betty Roach. The two bonded over their interest in the history of Chicago and Lake Michigan. The duo have been trying to map the occult side of the myths and legends, finding what is truth and what is fiction.   Sylvia has also been asking around about Lupine, which raises a few eyebrows from the Kindred she queries. She has been asking who the Alpha is; a fact that has been elusive thus far. Those in the know have directed Sylvia to Rosa Hernandez, though Sylvia is hesitant to talk to the Gangrel Primogen. She has yet to declare herself before the Prince and Sylvia knows that the Camarilla don't look too kindly on her type of blood.

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