Maldavis Character in World of Darkness | World Anvil
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So, ya wanna know about this Maldavis huh? Well, she nearly took Chicago from Lodin's grasp back in '83. I know, I know; she's a Caitiff - it's hard to believe someone so low in the pecking order had a chance to take a city like Chicago, but I was there. I saw it happen. I also saw it quickly fall. She lost her support base and she faded to obscurity. Then the War of Chicago happened in '93 and it was if she had never existed. Like her revolution never happened.   I've heard whispers that she's back now. Reconnecting with old contacts - Hell, I even heard, she's meeting up with a certain Tremere , one high up on the pyramid - or what's left of it at least. I wouldn't be surprised if Maldavis was a pawn and now she's wanting answers. Though pure speculation on my part. For a Caitiff to get as far as she got... Well, let's just say she had to have powerful supporters.
— Overheard at Red No5
  A thorn in Prince Lodin's side, Maldavis was the single voice that nearly tore down the Ivory Tower . She had amassed a grand following of supporters and her power scared Lodin. Rumour had it, she had support within the Ivory Tower itself - which greatly assisted her ascent to power. Maldavis' power was not merely her gift of Charisma and Leadership; rather the Caitiff displayed unnatural feats of supernatural Vampiric ability.   To most, the writing was on the wall, Maldavis was the heir apparent. This was further solidified when with her support of Mayor Washington's successful mayoral campaign in 1983. Maldavis had Chicago in her grasp. But never underestimate a prince like Lodin - he simply pulled his strings and the Camarilla bowed back in line. Maldavis soon found her support base stripped and her whole revolution came crashing down.   Her haven was discovered by the gluttonous Horratio Ballard; her closest confidant Valerie was staked and left to see the sun rise. Maldavis had attempted to escape, but she was soon tracked down - running in the streets. Before Ballard's goons could capture her, she was whisked away by a van, never to be see again. Lodin re-assumed dominance of Chicago and Maldavis' great Anarch rebellion ended.   There was rumour that Lodin had tasked Balthazar and a new pet Bobby Weatherbottom to track the wayward Caitiff. The War of Chicago changed the playing field dramatically as Prince Lodin met the final death at the hands of the Lupine Black Spiral Dancers. Many who remembered Maldavis' bid for princedom incorrectly assumed that she would rise once more. She didn't. Maldavis fell in a hole of self loathing and pity.   She was forgotten about. Her crusade and campaign dead. Lately though, she's popped back up. Spotted here or there, connecting with old contacts. It is unclear what Maldavis' game is now over thirty years since she failed spectacularly. She has been attempting to rebuild her rebellion, but many say that it is too little too late. The Anarch movement has fractured as of late. Making it that much harder for Maldavis to start again if she wished.
Year of Birth
1955 AD 57 Years old

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