Lianna Seabright Character in World of Darkness | World Anvil
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Lianna Seabright

'Get your hands on the Rose Primogen's address book and see the chaos unfold.'
The youngest member of the London Primogen Council, Lianna rose to prominence in the 1960's - proving her worth and understanding of the ever changing modern world. She attained the title of Toreador Primogen after the previous one stepped down, or was forced out depending on the stories you believe. Lianna faced fierce competition from her fellow Roses, but none quite could keep up with the times like Seabright could. She was awarded the title and has served London's court well ever since.   Many say that it is Lianna's connection to humanity and mortal affairs that have allowed her to stay in touch with the modern world. Though many conservative elders scoff at this notion - believing Lianna merely fornicates with her food. Either way, Lianna's acclimatization to the different eras is unparalleled. Of note is her address book, which is looked upon with jealousy from her peers; said book has given her much leverage over the years.

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