The Blue Balor Building / Landmark in Wildemount | World Anvil
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The Blue Balor

Located on the Northern edge of The Opal Archways district of Nicodranas, there is a familiar 3-story, wide and white, stone building with a sign above the door depicting a vicious winged ice demon... who looks like it's cheerfully serving you a drink. The sign informs you you have arrived at the Blue Balor.

Before even getting inside, you can hear the noise. Stepping inside, there is quite the din and you have to quickly step back as Jessa, your friendly server, cuts past you and welcomes you in. She's on her way to a table of folks on your left... and then the table after that... and yet a third one on her way to the kitchen. Kavon Brightwood is also out from behind the bar, weaving his way through the tables serving customers. Looking past the crowded room to the back of the building, you see the Blue Balor's owner, Baal, is actually behind the bar tonight slinging drinks and having a grand time by the looks of it. And why shouldn't he be? With Merryfrond's Day just a tenday away, business is booming!

The room itself is subtly grand. In an opulent district like the Opal Archways, the Blue Balor has a charm about it for seemingly sticking to its humble roots as a tavern. The floors are unfinished stone and the ceiling is high with wooden rafter, but it's obvious that they are high quality and well-maintained. There is a chandelier made of animal antlers and a huge pelt covers much of the center of the floor. How does it avoid getting filthy? Who knows. Probably magic.


  • Double door in the front
  • Single door, infrequently-used to the back
Alternative Names
Blue Balor
Pub / Tavern / Restaurant
Parent Location
Characters in Location
Related Report (Secondary Locations)

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