Session XIV: "I punch him..." Report Report in Wildemount : Dungeons and Peds Variant | World Anvil
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Session XIV: "I punch him..." Report

General Summary

With a stomach full of warm food cooked by Arkeshia the group sets out for the mansion in the woods. The very one rumored to be home to an arcanist just two years prior - and the very same one where rumors of cries are heard infrequently.
  Along the route the party notices they've been trailed by someone. When confronted the group meets a very weasley halfling man by the name of Darvye Thorngage. Doing his absolute best to avoid answering any questions Arkeshia binds the man with rope while the others lock him in manacles to hold him captive whilst they interrogate him.
  After a few punches and a hilt to the back of his head the man finally starts talking: He was tailing them at the request of Dayus, seeking out the man's beloved. He saw a tiefling that fit the description and was just trying to get more information as to where they were going. The last he saw of Dayus was some time ago - he was heading northwest into the Savalirwood but never seen him return.
  Leaving behind the halfling the party ventured on to the mansion and had a dark carriage pass them on the way there. Arriving at the mansion the group scouted the area for any signs of residency. Venturing within its confines the party splits to either side of the mansion to investigate. Bailiwick is the first to encounter something when he sees a large hulking behemoth of a man patrolling the area. Freya is the second to spot something when she sees torch light coming from within.
  The party moved to the back of the house and ambushed the large undead behemoth before venturing into the house where they heard pleading cries coming from upstairs. Rushing upstairs the party realized the voice of the cries were none other than Honor Liel's. Quickly springing into action the group immediately targeted the drow woman attempting to kidnap the young tiefling, but not before the woman knocked they young girl unconcious and banished Kethra to another plane.
  Seeing Kethra vanish Freya went into a rage and wildshaped into a bear to route the woman in a "grizzly" fashion. Doing so returned the fighter back to this realm, and seeing their client killed the two armored mercenaries that accompanied her surrendered and were quickly tied up as Arkeshia rushed Honor Liel to the closest bathroom to tend to her wounds.

Missions/Quests Completed

Vuulental Mansion started

Character(s) interacted with

Darvye Thorngage  Honor Liel

Created Content

Darvye Thorngage


Party is starting next session on the 2nd floor of the mansion. They've hardly explored at all and have made a great deal of noise.   They have left the body of Lady Tuin, the drow priestess of Lolth in the kid's room and tied up the mercenaries just outside the room. Arkeshia took honor over to the bathroom to rouse her from her unconscious state.
Dungeons and Pediatrics: A Spun Tale
Report Date
03 Dec 2020
Primary Location
Secondary Location

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