Rosalyn Highlinton Character in Wildemount : Dungeons and Peds Variant | World Anvil
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Rosalyn Highlinton

Rosalyn Emilia Highlinton (a.k.a. Rosie)

Once afflicted by a debilitating virus that had left her a simple vegetable the young Rosalyn is now more a monster than anything thanks to the dark ritual performed on her by her father. The process and effort was likely done out of love and hope that she would be free of the virus - and she was, in a sense. Yet this was not the results she had hoped for. Long gone are the days she would even be able to venture out of the mansion in such a state.   With only half of her body still remaining the half-elf that she was the prim and proper Rosalyn does what she can to keep things together despite the abuse she faces. Being left in her father's workshop she has managed to coax the spiders inhabiting it to do her bidding and has since taken up weaving. Thanks to her new form her need for food and water have greatly declined - though the solitude is still difficult on her. Eagerly awaiting and seeking a means of escape she does what she can to fend off the voice that encroaches in her head

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Slim, Deformed, Large

Identifying Characteristics

She's half humanoid, half spider

Apparel & Accessories

Wears clothing that is mismatched in color. The mismatch patches are made of pure spider's silk that she is unaware is not properly colored.

Mental characteristics

Mental Trauma

Has abandonment issues

Personality Characteristics



Likes & Dislikes

Likes: Sweets, dogs, storms Dislikes: Vegetables, chores, being alone


Family Ties

Daughter of Fletcher "Fetch" Highlinton  Twin sister to Gabriel Highlinton

Religious Views

Don't follow a god.  Is spoken too sometimes by Lolth.

Hobbies & Pets

A dozen small common spiders she calls "the sisters"
Chaotic Neutral
Date of Birth
30th of Sydenstar
Current Residence
Vuulental Mansion
Long brown, tied into a proper bun
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale white
Known Languages
Common, Elvish, Undercommon

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