Palebank Village Settlement in Wildemount : Dungeons and Peds Variant | World Anvil
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Palebank Village

Along the cold shore of the Frigid Depths, Palebank Village marks the first surviving Uthodurn outpost beyond the mountains. The settlement is situated against the low cliff boundary of the Crystalsand Tundra, just north of the Flotket Alps. The denizens of Palebank often take to ice fishing, trapping, or hunting, returing in small caravans to Uthodurn to sell their wares and restock their supplies. Territorial monsters wander close to the village, so rotating squads of Glassblades are assigned to protect the people.   The small docks have been recently expanded to accommodate the increased interest in heading northwest towards Eiselcross. Palebank has become a launching point for northern expeditions, leading to growing trade and a pressing need for more inns.


61% Dwarven, 32% Elven, 3% Gnomish, 4% other


The elf ranger Elro Aldataur is the appointed leader of the village. He delegates tasks to proven friends and trustworthy allies.


Elro commands a small force of errant Glassblades. Some civilians are willing to take up arms to defend the city in moments of crisis.

Industry & Trade

Basic supplies can be purchases or traded in the small inns or supply shacks.

Guilds and Factions

There are two humble temples to Moradin and Corellon, respectively. Uthodurn governs from afar, while the Tribes of Shadycreek send agents to seek more information about Eiselcross.


Due to the location and resources, most buildings are small and made of simple cheaply obtained wood.


Surrounded by four watchtowers and a ten-foot-tall palisade of sharpened logs, Palebank is a ramshackle village locked in eternal winter. The village is made up of over a hundred cabins and shacks. It's too small to have distinct neighborhoods, so most businesses and residences were established wherever they could fit at the time, creating a meandering layout. Off the northern cliff, about fifteen feet down to the sand-and-snow beach, the dock holds around a dozen ships, ranging from fishing vessels to small cargo ships that carry expeditions to and from Eiselcross.
Alternative Name(s)
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Owning Organization

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