Enewelen's Artifacts Building / Landmark in Wildemount : Dungeons and Peds Variant | World Anvil
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Enewelen's Artifacts

Located in the south clover close to the creek is a two-building made of simple birch wood, likely taken from the Savilirwoods. Several leaded glass windows adorn the shop with a dusky soot rubbed on them to make it difficult to see inside. The door is a heavy oak with an half-broken cast iron handle that will sometimes come off in a customer's hand. The inside floor is paved in smooth stone and the shop space is remarkably small despite the size of the building.   There are a few items located on the shelves that hang from either side of the door way and the items that can be seen within the display case that the owner Enewelen will stand behind.       Items Potion of healing x4 (50GP) Potion of greater healing x1 (150gp) Potion of Growth (270gp) Oil of Slipperiness x1 (480 gp) Bag of Tricks x1 (200gp)

Purpose / Function

It serves as a half-way house for kids displaced by wars, crime, etc.
Alternative Names
Enny's Shop
Shop, Generic
Parent Location

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