Jadehill is a settlement within Duntown. Aside from Dendrah and Docklands, it is the oldest part of the city.
Nowadays it is best known as the site of the Academica and the University of Duntown.
The population of Jadehill is almost entirely human, with a few visiting scholars from other parts of the world. While there are always students around, few of them can actually afford to live in the district, with most commuting in from Gargoyle or the north Docklands. Some may even live in the west of South Armontside.
Jadehill tends to elect progressive, left-leaning councillors.
The key thing that Jadehill has to offer is knowledge, which is a crucial part of the local economy. The University has a motto: data distilled is information; information refined is knowledge. You could describe the economy of Jadehill as the industrial production of this knowledge.
A key piece of this economy is the vast stacks of the Academica, a library that contains hundreds of years of lore, with books from all over the world collected there. It is said also that the library of Hollymargret, such that it was, was transferred to Duntown before the old capital was destroyed.
The semi-legendary history of the foundation of the city states that Jadehill was the third part of the city to be settled, and it was chosen for its suitability as a star-gazing location. As the city grew, Jadehill was the first location chosen as a seat of government, and the council met in the Academica's Great Hall for the first hundred years or so of the city's history.
An alternative legend states that the Academica was already built when the humanfolk arrived. This is hotly disputed by historians, who point out that the architecture is distinctly Westloian human in style. This circular argument is accepted by everyone.
The University of Duntown was founded in 447, to educate and edify the youth of Westlo. For the first 250 years of the University's history, only humanfolk were eligible to enrol. However, in 689, the first foreign students, catfolk from Lurus and elves from Beyond the Mountains were admitted. Westlo native elves and orcs are still not eligible to enrol in the University, however, it is thought that this bylaw will be overturned instantly one applies to study there.
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