Blutdachs Species in Westerwald 2118 | World Anvil
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The mutated variant of the European Badger, having a red stripe on its head that grows darker with higher meat consumption, acting as an unintentional warning to humans. The Germanic people gave it the name 'Blutdachs' meaning blood badger. The Blutdachs is unrivaled by other animals and has no natural predators, however it will stay away from animals it recognizes as poisonous. Occasionally the Blutdachs will hunt for other animals, such as the Pine Marten, however when it comes to meat it relies on mostly carrion.

Basic Information


Four limbs, Strong front limbs, long sharp claws capable of piercing metals, small head, short thick neck, and a blood red stipe in the center of its head.

Biological Traits

Some badgers further north tend to have wider and longer stripes than southern badgers.

Genetics and Reproduction

The species reproduces very similarly to other mammals, however the Gestation period is slightly longer than other badgers, taking roughly two and a half months, due to the larger size of the animal.

Growth Rate & Stages

After being born a Cub will live in its mothers den for about two weeks before being brought out to learn how to find food. After about ten weeks the Cub will have developed to the point where it can survive on its own. From 8-15 months Sexual maturity has been reached. The Badger will hibernate in winters and grow up to a weight of 160-180 Kg's on average. During the summer months the badger will average out at around 120 Kg's.

Ecology and Habitats

Optimal Climate is wet and temperate-cold. The favored Environment is dense forests and mountain ranges. Occasionally the Badger will find Caves and make one its dwelling. They will defend their homes fiercely.

Dietary Needs and Habits

The Badger tends to eat mostly plants and berries, however it will eat meat if it is available. When the badger eats mostly non-meats the red stripe on it's forehead will be more faded than one that eats mostly meats.

Biological Cycle

During the winter the Badger tends to sleep for long periods of time. During the Summer the Badger will eat and engage with other wildlife.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Males will mate with one Female for life, but Females will mate with multiple males. The Badgers tend to travel in groups of 5-8 but larger groups have been seen, as well as smaller groups of usually younger Badgers.


It is possible but dangerous to try to domesticate this animal. It especially likes Pork and if it realizes you are a reliable food source it will be loyal too you, as long as it is happy. It can be taught to respond to a name with proper training.

Uses, Products & Exploitation

Hunted for fur and Domesticated for companionship. Theoretically useful for combative purposes.

Facial characteristics

Long snout, small head, sharp canines, and a red stripe on the center of its head, ending on its neck. The eyes are relatively small and black, they can be described as 'beady'.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Europe excluding Northern Scandinavia, and including parts of turkey and the Russian steppes.

Average Intelligence

non-sentient but aware of dangers and environment.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Slightly reduced visual acuity, but enhanced smell capable of finding food from near a Kilometer away.
Scientific Name
Meles Novus
22-26 Years
Conservation Status
Least Concern
Average Height
36-52 Cm
Average Weight
120 Kg
Average Length
1.15M body + 24Cm tail
Average Physique
strong, fast, and resilient.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Gray fur on the back and sides with white fur covering the stomach and chest, black fur covers the head with the exception of two white stripes from it's chin down its neck and a wide red strip from the nose to the neck.

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