Templaric Language in Warworlds of Ka'a' | World Anvil
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Templaric is an archaic language, similar to Oldspeak. It is spoken mainly by the Templars who work in the Dawnguard. Templaric is also spoken in a nearby dimension on a group of islands.

Writing System

The Templaric language is written with a wavy alphabet known as the Templar-Script. The script has 54 letters; 21 vowels (A, Ae, Ai, Au, Aw, Iw, Oe, Ou, Oi, Ow, O, Ē, E, Eu, Ei, Ey, Ew, U, Uw, Yw and Wy) and 33 consonants (P, Kp, P', B, Bh, K, K', G, H, J, Ch, Nj, Ŋ, N, M, F, D, Dh, Dt, T, T', Th, Ts, S, S', Sh, Z, V, W, Y, R, L and Mb).  

by C.S.De Silva (Ken D)
  The shape and stroke-order of each wavy letter shows its meaning. Most letters share similarities with each other, and can only be distinguished by minute details such as the thickness of a line, size or depth of a curlicue. Hence, writing the language is a challenge for beginners. The script is written from right to left, with no spaces or punctuation-marks used.  
A sample-text:
Text in Templaric
by C.S.De Silva (Ken D)
The above text translates as "Njētp' dhbhoi shsoi aumptsey", which roughly translates as "Love they neighbor as thyself."


Templaric two kinds of syllables: open syllables (CV) and (CVV), and closed syllables (CVC), (CVVC) and (CVCC). The syllable types with two morae (units of time), like CVC and CVV, are termed "heavy syllables", while those with three morae, i.e. CVVC and CVCC, are superheavy syllables. Superheavy syllables occur in only two places: at the end of the sentence (due to pausal pronunciation) and in words such as "hhaarr" ('hot'), "maaddah" ('substance'), where a long "aa" occurs before two identical consonants (a short vowel between the consonants is sometimes used).


The language can be spoken in Subject-Object-Verb, Subject-Verb-Object or Object-Verb-Subject patterns. Either pattern depends on the speaker's preference.


The language has been known for a rough "hh" sound and a thick "mb" sound. Both of these sounds have existed even before the language got influence from Oldspeak, and are said to be relics of the older versions of the language. Both sounds are used, but only in colloquial dialects.


Vowels play an important part in Templaric. Basic sounds (M, K, T, B) can be turned into multiple words through simple vowels:   katabtu- 'I wrote'   kattabtu- 'I had (something) written'   kaatabtu- 'I corresponded (with someone)'   aktabtu- 'I dictated'   iktatabtu- 'I subscribed'   taketabnaa- 'we corresponded with each other'   aktubu- 'I write'   ukattibu- 'I have (something) written'   ukaatibu- 'I correspond (with someone)'   uktibu- 'I dictate'   aktatibu- 'I subscribe'   natakaatabu- 'we correspond each other'   kotiba- 'it was written'   uktiba- 'it was dictated'   maktoub- 'written'   muktab- 'dictated'   kitaab- 'book'   kotub- 'books'   kātib- 'writer'   kuttaab- 'writers'   maktab- 'desk, office'   maktabah- 'library, bookshop'
Common Phrases
"Majin finnaan kisha asshekh."   [("My road is long and candle cold.") a folk-song]   "Uushfik e'alaa al'jahil, lianah mithuul thwib kadim mazaquath tsalriyah."   [("Pity the fool, for he is like an old dress torn by the wind.") a proverb]   "Aa'an nakun haw tse laa nakun huu alsuwal."   [("To die a good man or to live as a monster is the question.") a proverb]   "Magē ithipandama dekama devii yanavai, eya raatriya natara novē. Namut magē muhunnē saha magē mituran mata eya lassana aaluukaya batsdinna."   [("The light is the most beautiful when it is shared with others. And to carry a lamp is to save a flame that burns into a thousand glows.") a proverb]   "Saben uwong kalairake kanthi mardika lan darbe martabat lan hak-hak kang padha. Kabeh pinaringan akal lan kalbu sarta kaajab pasrawungan anggone memitran siji lan sijine kanthi jiwo sumadulur. Hrama kavula lingkang wuonten ingk swargak. Wasta zampeyan dadosa tsuci. Tsajaman zamayan rawuha. Karz sampean dadosa ying bumi kados ingk swargak. Rejeki kavula kaing sadinten dinten sukanik dinten punikik maring kavula. Ambi puntan maring kavula dosa kavula, kados kavula puntang maring satunggil est tunggil tiyang kang salah maring kavula. Ami sampun bekta kavula ingk percoban. Tapi cuculaken kaula bari pada saning awong. Sabab tsajamana tambi kowasa tsarta kamukten gustik kagunganipun dumugi ingk awet. Amen."   [("All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood. My great god in heaven. Make this day holy. You are glorious. Bless the earth like in heaven. Give to me a day of peace. Be with all of us today. Forgive us our weaknesses. Make us anew. For as long as you live, the glory of cosmos will last forever. So be it.") the daily-prayer]

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