Róg-lid (Warborn) Species in Warshade | World Anvil
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Róg-lid (Warborn)

Native to the hyperborean continent of Ys, the Warborn have inspired tales of wolf-men whenever they encountered other species. They share many characteristics with Humans, their genetic cousins, but are sufficiently different to elicit an instinctive fear in Elves and Humans. They are notable especially for the strong dimorphism of their warrior caste, the Geirr-Folk.

Basic Information


Warborn possess an anatomy nearly identical to that of Humans on the surface. They are bipedal with two arms and hands, with a nose, mouth and two eyes. Their ears are slightly pointed and their canines are enlarged, with sharper teeth overall for increased meat consumption. Within, they possess the usual assortment of organs, but with distinctly larger lungs and denser bones. Their muscle tissue is similar in strength but with better elasticity of fibers. Warborn are generally quite a bit stronger and more resilient to damage than Humans, and have a generally more lupine appearance. They also stand an average of a foot and a half taller at 6 ft. Under the influence of their Warshade, their bodies become orders of magnitude more capable, though this comes with its own set of complications.   The Warrior Caste, known as Primes, are physically much larger than their Base Caste brethren, standing at an imposing 8 ft average. Their increased size also comes with exponentially more mass, an incredibly efficient musculature, and a more intimate control over their Warshade. They also heal faster, and can take an incredible amount of damage before succumbing to their wounds. Interestingly enough, their physiological differences include a black-hued blood, where a chemical difference also means that any contact the blood has with silver causes an immediate, violent reaction.

Genetics and Reproduction

As mammals, they reproduce just like, and with, Humans.

Ecology and Habitats

They are comfortable in colder environments than Humans, but have developed similar methods of adapting the world around them to suit their needs rather than submit to the whims of nature.

Additional Information

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Ys and North-eastern Jotun

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Warborn can slip into an alternate psychological/magical state known as the Warshade. It dulls hindering sensations such as pain and emotion, replacing them with heightened senses and reflexes, all while considerably enhancing their body's capabilities. Faster, stronger and much more precise, under the influence of the Warshade, Warborn become more akin to feral beasts of war than to super soldiers, with a powerful instinct pushing them to violence. An additional characteristic is that the Warshade acts as its own semi-sentient entity within the Warborn, constantly scratching at their consciousness for more control over the body. Those who use the Warshade feel an exponentially stronger pull the deeper within their Warshade they slip. If one loses control entirely, either through fatigue or overuse, they go Feral, a condition in which the Warborn becomes an uncontrollable animal, dominated entirely by violent instinct. A cure is only possible in the very early stages using silver.

Symbiotic and Parasitic organisms


Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Warborn parents name their children after a deceased relative, preferably a direct ancestor such as a grandparent or great-grandparent. By naming a child after a dead relative, it is believed that part of the deceased person’s luck would attach to the new child and bring them success in life. In a sense, a part of the deceased lives on in the child.   If a relative died while a child was the womb, that child always took the name of that relative. If a boy’s father died before he was born, the boy received the father’s name. If an honored ancestor had a common name, then the ancestor’s byname or nickname would also be given to the child. Thus, names remained in the same families for long periods of time.   Many Warborn parents would use two other naming conventions when giving their children names. One was alliteration. The same sound was used in the beginning of each child’s name: Olaf, Olief, Olvir, Ospak, Ottar, for example. Another principle used was variation, changing one name element while leaving the other the same for all children: Hallbjorn, Hallbera, Halldor, Hallfrid, Hallgerd, Hallkel and Halli. Alliteration and variation are ancient naming customs; naming after deceased relatives became more prevalent during the 3rd century.
Genetic Descendants
Scientific Name
Homo Bellator
80 years
Average Height
6.2 ft or 1.9 m
Average Weight
250 lbs or 113 kg
Related Ethnicities

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