Dalmonia Settlement in Wars of Akraish | World Anvil
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A city bound to peace, freedom and responsibility, Dalmonia is reputed to be the perfect example of what a Cities of Men should be like. All faiths are accepted, good or evil, and guilds protect their tradesmen.   It is ruled by the Dalmonia Council.


The laws are loose and decided upon by the Dalmonian Council. A ruling can change based on who made it and who or what it affects. The "peace and freedom to all" is the one rule that doesn't change no matter what. However responsibility must always be upheld. Taxation goes to the good of the city: repairs, development, army, navy, magic, etc.


The surrounding villages must make do with the people they have. The city has ballistae lining most of the walls and port towns have maritime defenses. Every so often a mage might be hired as a guardsman as well. In times of war they must conscript those of age to serve (different ages depending on the race of the individual).

Industry & Trade

Dalmonia trades directly with the dwarven and elven nations of Akraish as a filter towards the rest of the Cities of Men. They in turn offer magical and non magical baubles to the whomever they may trade with as well as products from other cities or nations. The Undercity is where crime is rampant and goods can be too powerful for sale or fraudulently powerless.


The city has created sustainable enough roads to be traveled by all bridges and docks at port cities but nothing to be in awe of.


They have a thriving magic industry, though all wish to safeguard their secrets, and have master craftsmen of all types ready to share their craft.

Guilds and Factions

Guilds exist for every line of work offered in the city, including adventuring, and if a new line of work arises, someone will be ready to create a guild for it. The Church of Dalmonia accepts any faith in the world from Chaotic to Lawful and Good to Evil. The Undercity protects the unlawful (or kills them because anyone in the undercity is an outlaw), and thrives on illegal merchandise and services.


The city of Dalmonia has always stood for peace. When Ssahl Hiir and Muleel were at a boiling point and at the brink of war, Dalmonia enlisted the help of Doàn'Èare to bring them to peace. They also provided the most powerful magic in the time of the Greenskin War.


People from all over come to Dalmonia to see the inner city's architecture and magic competitions. They also come to Dalmonia to see the always exotic adventurers that populate the city and temples dedicated to all faiths.


From the outside, one might see only the typical blandness of walls erected to protect the city or the bland surrounding villages. On the inside however, exotic houses, towers, museums and mansions decorate the city while the smaller towns have regular wooden and stone houses.


  • Dalmonia City
Founding Date
Alternative Name(s)
City of Adventurers
Large city
Location under
Owning Organization

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