The Arcanum Circular in Warlocks | World Anvil
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The Arcanum Circular

The Heart of the Universe

The Arcanum Circular is the source of all Mana in the universe. It runs through the veil that lies between planes, reaching all the way down into the dregs of the essential plane, and all the way up to the crest of the Infinite Skyscape.   The Arcanum Circular can be thought of like the human respiratory system; magical residue is ‘pumped’ down the Circular to the essential plane, where it is broken down and purified into mana. That mana is then ‘pumped’ upwards, through the material plane, into the metaphysical plane, and then within that, up into the Infinite Skyscape. Because of this placement, the higher you metaphysically go, the more usable mana there is. The essential plane has virtually none, the material plane has little, and the metaphysical plane has a lot, and the Infinite Skyscape in particular has an excess -- though, the Scalding Depths, even at the lowest point in the metaphysical plane, has plenty of mana to go around. It's only really in any sort of short supply in the material plane.   The Arcanum Circular is one of the main reasons why interplanar travel is possible; the immense amount of mana it consumes is offset by the fact that such spells pierce the veil, digging into The Arcanum Circular itself.   When the host of a warlock pair is in the material plane, the patron, being unable to sustain itself on the mana of the material plane, resides in the veil, receiving mana from The Arcanum Circular itself. However, this influx of mana prevents them from taking a corporeal form.
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