SM24 - Long Time No See Report in Vrashyn | World Anvil
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SM24 - Long Time No See

General Summary

Pemma and The Phoenix Four arrived in Qilora for the negotiations. Later, the party explored the Shadowfell settlement below.  


After swinging by Celonar to bring Alagalph with them, The party easily finds where Zaluoh and his delegation are staying, which is notably much smaller and plainer than the quarters given to the delegations of the larger kingdoms. After catching up with Zaluoh and Bloodletter and meeting Pugimat, the leader of the Batraloh delegation, the party did some information gathering in the city under the guise of preparing for their role as security.  

I Still Hear You Saying We Must Never Break the Chimes

During their initial days in Qilora, the party also found time to destroy the chimes. After Nyssa cleaved them with her sword, a loud booming sound was heard through much of the town. The party expertly explained this away as being the result of rehearsing a theatrical performance and continued about their business.  

Openning Remarks

During a mostly dull opening ceremony, the party confirmed that Glirroth was seated among the Cirithasi delegation looking alive and well. Sandy also observed the head monk at his temple in attendance. The main highlight was the opening address delivered by Hou Yusinair, the First Speaker of Qilora. He made prolonged eye contact with Sandy at the beginning and cleared his throat in an obviously fake way many times during the speech. The party assumed that this was an attempt to communicate something secret to them, but were unsure what exactly was being communicated.
Report Date
23 Sep 2022
“Assembled dignitaries, in this region of the great empire of Parthil, we do not have dukes, councilors, consuls, or senators. Rather, our system is *clears throat* upside down.” He pauses and looks directly at Sandy. Though the emperor rules in Maelenor, the foundation of law, peace, and order in this land *cough* is the First Speaker, the office in which I have the honor of serving. One may wonder *cough* where, excuse my cough, this office originates. It arose among the humans and halflings who ruled this land for centuries before the establishment of the empire. For that *cough* to change, my elvish forefathers had to conquer this land through military force. However, they resolved to *cough* meet the locals halfway, adopting their existing systems of governance. Due to this wise course of action, much of Northern Parthil found peace for decades and centuries. It is that kind of peace that I hope to lead us to today as the chief presider of these negotiations.”

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