SM23 - Dark & Early in Vrashyn | World Anvil
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SM23 - Dark & Early

The Phoenix Four steals some sacred chimes and makes their way to the end-of-war negotiations.  

Post-Midnight Heist

After scouting the place out during typical hours, the party decided to steal the chimes in the early morning to gain the benefits of darkness while also avoiding the worshippers who come earlier in the night. When they arrived, the only other people there were four groundskeepers, who made no effort to stop them. After bypassing the wall of force around the chimes, the groundskeepers revealed themselves as disguised sorrowsworn, and a fight ensued.  

Friends 'til the End

The sorrowsworn initially got the party off-balance by forcing them off of the walkable clouds and onto the protective magical net below. However, the tide of the battle turned when Acquilan and Pemma showed up to aid them. After defeating the sorrowsworn, Pemma said she figured out the party was up to no good when they never showed up at Acquilan's after the glyph she left at the teleportation circle went off.   

Loose Ends

Before leaving, Tikvah cured Acquilan of their ailment and gave them instructions to pass on to Huaba's clerics. Acquilan emotionally thanked the party for everything they'd done before they left for Qilora.

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