S22 - Small, Closed Caskets Report in Vrashyn | World Anvil
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S22 - Small, Closed Caskets

General Summary

The Phoenix Five planned their next move and learned about the political situation in the Shadowfell.  

Icy Memories

After The Wanderer left, the party (minus Louisa) all collapsed into unconsciousness, finally remembering how the battle at the icy temple went. They were initially alone, and moved the black gong from out of a forcefield similar to the one around the chimes. However, they were ambushed by The Wanderer's mortal avatar and a combined force of Changelings and undead monsters immediately after they moved it. With the help of The Anchored, the party fought The Wanderer to a standstill until he unleashed in a wave of dark energy that sent black dust flying and knocked everyone unconscious, including himself.  


While planning how best to address the threat posed by The Wanderer, Tikvah shared with the party what they had been told by The Anchored. She relayed that, should The Wanderer's plans for Vrashyn fail, he could end up attacking Tikvah's home plane of Garouge.   

Dark Brandon

When the Shadowfell came up in conversation, Curtains informed the party about its politics. Crucially, The Wanderer seems to have sway over two main factions: the sorrowsworn and the dark elves. He does not have influence over the vampires, though they are unfortunately too internally divided to pose much of a threat.
Report Date
21 Jul 2022

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