PW21 - Aggressive Negotiations Report in Vrashyn | World Anvil
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PW21 - Aggressive Negotiations

General Summary

The Party snuck into the city of Amavasya and fought Suparsvi.

An Unwanted Visitor

The party encountered a roaming fiend and quickly dealt with the threat before returning to their rest. When the party went out into the bright sunlight, they noticed a few things about their translucent spirit forms: Part Tana's heart was missing in her spirit form, and Tikvah's spirit was inhabited by a handful of smaller, colorful forms. 

Dropping In

 Before leaving, Bhasarkana disguised himself as a Leonin mercenary returning from Senlimas, though this disguise ended up doing him little good. As planned, the party piled into Bags of Holding or cast fly on themselves, and soon they were in the city. When they landed in the palace, they were not attacked as they expected. Suparsvi was either unwilling or unable to use the palace guards to attack The Party, so instead they were escorted to see Retkaraaja.  

The Throne Room

The king quickly cleared his throne room to hear his children argue over the invasion of Senlimas. Bhasarkana and The Party made a convincing case that the invasion was strategically dubious when there were better targets to attack, notably Cirithas. They wisely held back any condemnations of the Rakshasa's clear disregard for innocent life, knowing he would be unmoved. Suparsvi countered by arguing that the magical artifact rumored to rest below Chilika Lake would be an economic boon, allowing swifter travel between Amavasya and their holdings on the mortal plane. Because nobody was able to prove the accusation that Suparsvi was working with The Wanderer, the king chose neither side and opted for a duel between the prince and princess, plus six champions apiece.

Date: Forunar 7


  • Bhasarkana
  • Curtains
  • Suparsvi
  • Retkaraaja  

    Location: Amavasya

  • Report Date
    07 Oct 2021
    "The edges of Tikvah's form ripple and bend, and swimming within them are 5 colored entities. At the moment, a grey one fills their head while a blue, yellow, purple, and red one dance around their chest and lower body."

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