PW14+PW15 - You Can't Swim and You Look Like Shit Report in Vrashyn | World Anvil
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PW14+PW15 - You Can't Swim and You Look Like Shit

General Summary

The Party attacked and destroyed the enemy fort.  

The Fight

After sneaking into the arcane gate created by one of the Leonin Priests, the party minus Louis briefly fought a wastrilith before most made it on to the roof. After casting fly on her friends, Nyssa was unable to escape fast enough and was killed by the Wastrilith. The party made quick work of the garrison due in no small part to Zaluoh's giant centipedes. Outside, Louis and Bloodletter joined the fight after the enemies who were sent to fight the hydra were killed. With Andy's help they were able to kill the wastrilith.  


Nyssa was revived, but it was found that the Wastrilith crushed her right shin worse than simple healing magic could fix. After a few failed attempts, Gwynnestri and Tikvah combined their efforts to shut the planar rift. The conscious Deviltongue Brutes agreed to cooperate in exchange for some of their valuables being returned to them. A small chest was found on one of the priests, and interrogation of the prisoners confirmed that this was the material component for a secret chest that held all of their possessions.
Date: Lodimar 23, Morning
Report Date
23 Jul 2021

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