PW10 - Un-louis-able Report in Vrashyn | World Anvil
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PW10 - Un-louis-able

General Summary


The Party quickly wraps up their fight with the bandits and a new adventurer joins their ranks. When they return to camp, they find Suparsvi, the Rakshasa princess, has infiltrated their ranks.  

The Abjurers

In the midst of the fight with the bandits, a Satyr appears on a fence nearby the battle and, after observing it for a few moments, stops one of the Orcs in his tracks with a well-placed cantrip. The party mopped up the rest of the bandits quickly, took their coin and weapons, and headed up the road with their heads or unconscious bodies in tow.  


In talking with their new travelling partner, the rest of The Party confirmed that Louis indeed came from their Bag of Holding. He said he comes from Beuirb, an ancient, long-gone land, and that he was in the process of robbing a mine when he hid in a Bag of Holding to escape capture. Louis accompanied the party to the town of Artheip, where he fleeced the town's gullible Dwarf constable out of 20 GP betting that he couldn't break a Bag of Holding. The party received a bounty for the bandits, sold their horses, and moved on.
Report Date
29 May 2021

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