Heat Storm in Vrashyn | World Anvil
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Heat Storm


Heat Storms are destructive weather events that most frequently effect areas near The Scathe, including Mul, Dohir, Reptyz, and Vaeostas. They occur when air currents push a section of extremely hot air from The Scathe into a more temperate region.  


Heat Storms cause Extreme Heat (Dungeon Master's Guide, 110). Each round, Creatures exposed to the storm must succeed on a DC 12 Constitution saving throw or take 2d4 fire damage. During the storm and for 10 minutes after it's over, all metal objects and surfaces exposed to the storm are red hot as if affected by the spell Heat Metal (Basic Rules, 250). Creatures and objects inside well-constructed buildings are not affected. Heat Storms can set straw and many other easily combustible materials on fire, though they can't set wood alight.  


The various cultures that live near The Scathe have adapted various ways of avoiding Heat Storms. The Goliaths of Mul build all their homes out of stone. They have also developed techniques to predict storms and retreat to caves to wait them out. The Dwarves of Dohir use a similar strategy, though they typically live in the caves to begin with. People from Rhovra retreat to well-sealed basements where the desert sands isolate them from the heat. Rarely, these storms make their way further inland, leading to significant devastation among people and cultures who are not used to dealing with them.

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