Voynamir The Rezakian war
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The Rezakian war

Military action

12/5 15:00
14/10 15:00

Some time after the Unification wars had ended, Empress Setari was busy repairing and healing the country. Besides passing several laws that would ease tension between the three countries, she personally visited many towns to help them out, be it disarming minefields, or giving speeches that would reassure the public of her promise to bring a golden age of peace. She was quite popular. One day, as she was visiting a coastal town, it came under attack, and she was killed defending the citizens. Her daughter, Neskar, was distraught, and vowed vengeance on the pirates, nay, the entire country they hailed from.   And with that, the tiny nation of Mregia declared war on one of the largest, most corrupt countries on the planet.

Due to the location of Verna, it suffered the brunt of pirate coastal raids. Most Vernan cities had strong walls and a capable defence force to deter minor raiding fleets, but this only forced them to attack the less defended towns. Though these attacks were sort of frequent before the war, they were even more frequent after it began.   Some towns were nearly destroyed during the raids, such as Clydesdale, which suffered a particularly brutal assault, despite being well defended. These attacks were mostly fueled by greed, the perpetrators wanted to gain riches, enslave people, and weaken the continent as a whole before an inevitable invasion.   To combat this the newly crowned empress, who started the war, took extreme measures to win as soon as possible, or the empire would fall before it had even began. She married a Kiggran to gain more ships, she gave Kiggran lords a large portion of territory in Verna, as they would be better able to protect them with their powerful ships. She used her personal treasury to fund engineers all over the continent to give them a technological edge over their much larger, but less advanced foes.   Despite all this, it would take time to rally the defences that the Vernan coast needed. In the mean time she encouraged that families sent their children and elderly inland where they would be much safer, and they could then militarise their towns to defend better against pirate raids. This too took time, but was much easier due to the railway system that Verna had created in the past. Many children were sent inland to foster families until the war was over, but many never saw their parents again.   Soon the bombings began, and even the cities weren't safe. The sky-pirate lords forces used only air ships, and had a serious grudge against the Empire. Luckily a counter attack was made, Pofgyt forces were moved to defend Vernan cities, anti-air turrets were installed quickly on ships and on the walls of Vernan cities. So the sky-pirates went inland, to bomb more tactical targets.   This part of the war went on for 8 years before the Vernan had become sufficiently defended that the pirates were having a hard time even approaching the continent. 13 years later and the Empire finally went on the offensive, using a new naval vehicle called a sea tank, small, but carrying advanced weaponry, longer ranged than most Rezakian vessels. Before the pirates could stop squabbling over scraps and territory, they had a serious problem on their hands.   They hurriedly formed a fleet to blockade Keblych, the mouth of a great channel that went all the way through the Rezakian continent. It held for a year before a famous captain by the name of Clarissa Canter, broke through on a retrofitted Vernan waship, named after Clydesdale, her hometown. The Mregian fleet followed her in, and they fought all the way through to the other side, destroying many ship building facilities and pirate towns that had been built along the channels shores. It was a turning point in the war. Now the Rezakians were on the defensive.

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