Tokem Paskal Character in Voynamir | World Anvil
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Tokem Paskal

Tokem is notorious for the Helldyr modification experiments, and known as the inventor of modern prosthetics, brain cages, and brain transplanting. The original research for these miraculous inventions was unfortunately destroyed, only to be pieced back together by less knowledgeable scientists.   Tokem grew up in a rich family on the Nyrivüs coast, his parents owned a very successful pharmacy chain, and knew a thing or two about medicine. Tokem was taught all they knew, putting all their ambitions on him. A lot of pressure to succeed.   Tokem grew up to become an equally ambitious surgeon, taking a more hands on approach. Unfortunately, his ambitions were quite... Cruel. He had killed many family pets over the years, disecting them or doing cruel tests. Finally, at the age of 18, he grew bored of animal biology, and graduated to human studies... He killed a homeless man.   Tokems parents were not able to cover up the gruesome murder, so instead they disowned him, and kicked him out. Tokem was shocked, as he struggled to survive without his parents great wealth. He had to leave town, so he went to Advar, the capitol. Once there, Tokem enrolled in a surgery apprenticeship, which he did for several years, occasionally doing autopsies in the morgue.   Tokem had become a talented surgeon, and known as a capable scientist, he performed pioneering surgical techniques for audiences. It was at this point that he met the Empress, and given an important task.   A few months prior, Princess Setari had her spine shattered in a duel, she was in a coma and unlikely to come out of it. Empress Kaivir vowed revenge on her husband and son, who would no doubt inherit the empire after she died. Tokem diagnosed Setari himself, and agreed she would never awaken, even with modern medicine. But Kaivir wouldn't take no for an answer, much to the glee of Tokem.   After a few more secret meetings, a deal was struck; Tokem was given free reign of his own state of the art research facility, in a hidden corner of the Empire. He had many radical ideas that he could now pursue. Over the next 15 years he would commit mutilations, horrible experiments, and violations of basic human rights on a daily basis. Although much of his research has given unprecedented insights into the human body, how it functions, and subsequently how to mend it.

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