O.D.A.L.M.S Technology / Science in Voynamir | World Anvil
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An Omni Directional Artificial Lera Manipulation System (ODALMS) is an advanced technology that allows control of the lera field produced by a Lerite crystal.


ODALMS are used mostly in vehicles, as they can accelerate the vehicle in any direction, allowing advanced manuevers and tactics not possible with conventional propulsion. They also do this much more quietly than a propeller, jet engine, or car engine.   Drones and airships make the most use out of this technology, with recon drones being the most numerous. They can move into enemy territory silently, and get into positions perfect for surveillance.
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Not particularly common.
Quite complex mechanically. The system uses 2 sets of arms that allow the movement of 2 electrical inputs across the surface of the sphere. They can be moved anywhere on the sphere, and thus allow the field to move objects in any direction, only limited by how fast the arms can move the inputs into position.

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