Blizzard in Voynamir | World Anvil
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. The technology level is similar to mid WW1, with some extra technology they didn't have back then. (Cyborgs have no electrical parts, no servos or any of that. Just imagine sort of a steampunk sort of cyborg.) so the characters:   Teima: a female "cyborg". She had recently been given the position of first mate on Kalheims ship, after the first, first mate got killed. The crew already disliked her for being a "cyborg" She had been modified many years before, when she was just a child, abducted from her home. She has a mechanical left arm and right leg. She is ambitious, and has developed a tough skin from all the years of people treating her like some sort of freak or monster. She is stubborn, and doesn't give up easily.   Commander Kalheim: recently promoted to the position, he is given the task of finding, and capturing the rogue, "cyborg", captain; Vorich Sathar. He is also ambitious, but mainly he wants to explore the world and enjoy life, and build a safe world for his family.   Captain Vorich: Another victim of the modification experiments. Vorich was ripped from his home. His daughter taken from him, his wife killed as she tries to stop them. He is 6ft 5. bitter. And has much more crude, painful mechanical parts. His left leg, right arm, a brass jaw, an eye that faintly glows red, and a metal plate bolted to his skull next to it, from where they went routing around in there.   Now that's all out of the way. This is just a part of the story I'm writing. Hope you enjoy~ ____   Vorich (the baddie) escapes with the paladin (a class of ship) and remains of his fleet, and takes them into Mryzlir territory. A snowy, rocky, and exceedingly dangerous area.     Kalheim (the goodie) leaves half his marines and a ship at the fort, and follows Vorichs slower fleet into the snowy north.     The captain knew not to go blindly into an ambush. The blizzard and tall rocks made it very easy. So using caution he sends a skiff with his best marines, including Teima (the cyborg first mate), who volunteered, to locate and board Vorichs' ship, and either kill or capture him. The small skiff easily evaded detection. Once aboard, the marines were surprised to find the deck completely empty, not unusual in such terrible weather. They themselves were already starting to freeze in the fierce blizzard. They carefully made their way over to a door leading inside. As one of the marines went through the door, he tripped on a length of wire in the doorway. A ticking noise sounded as everyone realised what had just happened. "BOMB" the ones closest to the door yelled as they all ran from the doorway, the fallen marine following clumsily behind. The deck exploded into a fireball as the bomb went off. Only half the Marines survived, including Teima.   The Marines barely had time to come to their senses as they realised the already sinking ship was being fired upon by the rebel fleet. More explosions roared across the ship as Teima shouted at the marines to get back to the skiff.   They leapt from the ship and boarded the small boat, the engine let out a squeal as the driver tried to start it. after a few tries it miraculously roared to life, and they sped away from the deathtrap. The weather was getting worse, and the skiffs engine sputtered to a stop. eventually they were washed ashore on a small, rocky island. Luckily, there was a cave, and they hid there from the hellish conditions outside. Teima and her men were trapped in the cave for quite some time, 3 days infact, and she was not getting on well with them. They blamed her for their people getting killed. It was a difficult couple days, but she did not give up, even after being challenged for her command. The Marines were getting hungry, having only brought basic rations, they weren't expecting to be trapped in a cave. Luckily the blizzard had let up a bit, but was still going. It was much easier to see now, and Teima had the marines doing shifts as lookouts for a friendly ship to pass by. Teima was included in the lookout shifts, and one day she saw a ship. A flying ship. She just wrote it off as delirium or shapes made by the blizzard. On the third day the lookout saw a large, chunky ship plowing it's way through the now ice covered ocean. Teima knew that it was a Mryzlir vessel, and fired a distress flare. The ship turned towards them, The marines celebrated, they were going to be rescued. Their celebrations were cut short as the ship fired one of it's cannons at the small island. The gigantic shell crashed with great force against the side of the mini-mountain where the cave was, and the marines took cover, weapons at the ready. The ship groaned closer, pushing aside the thick ice with easy, it did not slow down, only stopping when it crashed into the island. The marines were quite surprised. A masked Mryzlir peaked over the top of the deck. The marines held their fire. None of them spoke Mryzlirian, but Teima knew exactly what to do.     Teima dragged herself out of cover, her weapon carefully held. The Mryzlir saw her, and took aim with his own rifle, yelling something in his own tongue. Teima took this as her cue to drop her weapon, and ordered the rest of the marines to do the same. They reluctantly did so, as more Mryzlir popped their heads, and gun barrels, over the deck railing. 12 guns were now aimed at them.   The bow of the ship had a bulky looking door, which swung open, and a ramp was lowered onto the snowy island. Mryzlirian soldiers marched out, still aiming at the marines, followed by what appeared to be the captain, who eyed the marines with suspicion. He walked over to Teima, looking her up and down. "You look like hell" he commented in a gruff voice, speaking the Mregian language. "I am First offi-" Teima began.   "Especially you" He interrupted, chuckling as he gestured for her to continue. Teima was not very amused. "I am First officer Dekyr, of the panglossian." She said stiffly. "We were shipwrecked here and trapped on this island a few days ago. We would be grateful for any help in getting back to our fleet."   "Well I'm sure I can help you there" The captain said, brushing snow from his beard which had gathered there. "For a price" He added.   "What? You expect to be paid?" Teima scoffed in disbelief.   "Well if help is of no value to you then i suppose I could just get back to something I value." He smugly retorted, his toothy grin widening by the second. Teima shuffled in place, visibly annoyed by his disrespective tone. She thought for a second, the Marines and herself all had some money on them, but she couldn't ask them to part with it, they already hated her for simply being a cyborg.   "I'll pay you." She said, with confidence.   "Wonderous!" He yelled, a bit too loudly. "How much you got?" He said, holding his gloved palm out. Teima dug into her various pockets, and reluctantly placed 2 pouches full of coin into his awaiting hand. The captain felt the weight, the coins clinking as they were gently bounced up and down. "Rightagh" he grinned and walked over to the closest marine. "Now you" He commanded.   "No." Teima put a hand on the captains shoulder, which had a gigantic curved plate of metal strapped to it.   "Your foreign coin is nowhere near as valuable as ours, south sucker" He spat, his face changing quickly into an angry scowl "You want to get on my boat then everyone has to pay for entry."     "What if I pay for their entry?" Teima didn't break eye contact with the hairy captain as she let go of his ice cold shoulder-plate.   "if you've got more coin than this then sure, you can buy some more tickets." The captain grinned as if his scowl was never there. With that he reached into one of his own pockets and yanked out some tattered pieces of paper, waving them in Teima's face before chucking them in the air, watching them get blown away by the strong, icy wind.     "I do have more coin" Teima asserted. "back on my ship" She added after a short pause. "Lots more." The captain glared back at her, still smiling. for an uncomfortably long time they stared into each others eyes, unblinking. After about 30 seconds his lower lip twitched, he sniffed, and held out his unladen left hand at an odd angle. "Ok, Deal" He said. "but you better make good on your promise, or I'll dump you on an iceberg" His bellowing laughter almost echoed off the ships hull. He said the word 'iceberg' strangely, drawn out. Teima ignored it as a quirk of his accent, and grabbed his hand with her own, steely one. The captain looked surprised as Teima shook his hand.   "What are you doing?" He yanked his hand out of her firm grip.   "Don't worry, it's only a metal arm." Teima replied, assuring him she wasn't going to crush his hand. Many people didn't like shaking her mechanical hand.   "Not that, the shaking, why'd you do that?" He said, cocking his head to the side.   "It's how we close deals where I come from"   "Oh" The captain said. "Well up here we don't hold or shake hands. They might get stuck together, we'd never be free of each other!" He chuckled.   "That makes sense... So how do you Mryzlir do it then?"   The captain shot a look at Teima as if he was offended. "Well. We do this. Hold out your hand." Teima obliged and held her hand out like his had been. "Ok, now slap our palms together" They both did so, a loud CLANG rung out as Teima's metal hand and the captains slammed together. Teima was surprised yet again that he didn't wince in pain, she had hit him pretty hard. "That didn't hurt?" She asked curiously.   "Nope." The captain replied, yanking his thick glove off with his teeth. "It's like yours you see." Teima almost gasped. His hand was more like a collection of crude claws. 5 of them, held together by hinges and wires, which snaked up into his sleeve. "Frostbite took it a long time ago." The captain grunted and sniffed again, frowning at the memory as he tried to put his glove back on.   Teima helped him, and slid the glove back over his steely hand. It explained why he and the other Mryzlir weren't horrified by her appearance. She instantly felt more friendly with him.   "Thanks." The captain said, chucking the pouched of coin to one of his crew.   "So why wear a glove?" Teima questioned him, noticing how troublesome and pointless it would be to cloth metal body parts.   "Well you probably haven't been here long enough to find out. If our metal bits get frozen they can't move so well, and the cold will just go up into your meat bits" He found it hard to explain in Mregian, obviously not knowing the right words. Teima simply nodded, making a note to cover up her own 'metal bits' when she got the chance.   "Alright, enough chatting." The captain turned around and began walking towards the ramp. "All aboard!" He bellowed as he reached it. Teima and the now shivering marines all followed after him hurriedly, grateful to be getting out of the cold finally.

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Author's Notes

This little story needs some touching up and other changes, but I quite like how it turned out. Helped flesh out the Mryzlir culture a bit.

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