Volux: Not Extinct? Species in Vos | World Anvil
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Volux: Not Extinct?

Long before the Storm, there was a race of insect-like people known as the Volux. The Volux were a highly intelligent race that was said to have been created by Gudinoff as the God's parting creation before leaving Vhosparus. They were incredibly skilled at alchemy, science, and the arcane. Now, they are thought to be gone, for the Great Storm had eradicated the race alongside the elves. Rumor has it that this long-forgotten race has actually been sighted near Ogschuun.   Rumors have been spreading lately of the revival of their race and they are seen as a sort of boogeyman that people tell stories of. Recently, the Church has made a few public announcements about the existence of the race. They claim that they do, indeed, exist, but they are known to harbor Paleblight and are said to knowingly spread it to people. They requested that if anyone has any sort of information about the Volux or may have sighted anything, they would like to know.   The Volux people as a whole are known for their incredibly fast regenerative properties. From old manuscripts, it is said that one could lose an arm and grow it back in less than two months. It was said that they also couldn't speak normally and used a form of telepathy to communicate with others. Moreover, some were even known to be able to move things with psionic powers. Surprisingly, the Volux never had any major cities, towns, or homes. They were known to travel by sea in large boats that resembled cities. On these boats were homes, shops, places to eat, workplaces, and more. Before the Storm arrived, they were thought to be extinct due to a strange blood disease that plagued their entire species.   In short, the Volux were once a group of travelers and great minds that were generally loved by most people. If a Volux was in town, you were to show them the best night of their life, for they loved to socialize and share stories of their travels just as much as they liked hearing about your home.   There are rumors that the Church has been using their blood in their incredibly cheap healing potions by keeping the Volux as slaves to farm their blood.

Basic Information


The Volux possess an insect-like appearance and are said to be hulking figures at 7-9ft tall with two large arms and two smaller ones.

Growth Rate & Stages

Adults at the age of 4. They live to be over 300 years old.

Ecology and Habitats

There home is lost. It is said that they inhabit the swamps of eastern Gentrov.

Dietary Needs and Habits

The Volux are omnivorous.

Biological Cycle

They shed their exoskeleton once every 2 years. It takes well over a few weeks for them to grow a new one, leaving them soft and vulnerable in the mean time.

Additional Information

Uses, Products & Exploitation

Their blood is known to have incredibly high restorative values.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

The Volux have been known to manifest psionic powers, being able to communicate and move things with their mind.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

They generally have a 1-3 letter long first name separated by an apostrophe with a longer last name. The first name generally was replaced when a Volux joined a new family through marriage. Their last name is their given name at birth.   Male example names: O'Grix, Fir'Trasalik, Jer'Graban, Vre'Qulo   Female example names: Shi'Botli, Qli'Asala, M'Taza, Ve'Posa

Beauty Ideals

Beauty was often defined by the size and shape antennae and the luster of one's exoskeleton.

Gender Ideals

Males generally used pigments to paint their faces with unique and colorful designs. Females were known to groom the setae of their antennae.

Average Technological Level

The Volux were incredibly intelligent, and through the feats of many alchemists, they found the way to prolong their life to over 300 years. In addition, this process led Volux to age much faster into adulthood.

Common Etiquette Rules

Not using one's second pair of arms was a sign of sophistication.

Common Dress Code

Generally, Volux wore robes and colorful outfits that were reminiscent of the places they've visited. It is also rude to cover one's eyes with anything.

Common Customs, Traditions and Rituals

It is incredibly common for a Volux to follow in the path of what their father or mother did and it is commonly viewed as strange not to follow in their parent's footsteps.

Common Taboos

Referring to a Volux as a bug or insect.
Scientific Name
Humanoid, Insectoid
300+ years
Average Height
Average Weight

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