world concept in Volantum | World Anvil
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world concept

Volantum - sanctum, constantly moving 2 fantasy races kinda like stormlight in that way one race came from a different world the other was taken over   not making a utopia, make an interesting place for stories to happen in   CONFLICT: setting should be alien, so the conflict can come from the unfamiliarity. Something that we take for granted in our world, that if changed, can make a world instantly unfamiliar   Conflict with the alien planet.   THREAT: NEEDS to come from the conflict, it needs to come from what makes the world so different     Loss of shelter from the storms.   Instability:   The planet has constant weather changing. Climate behaves unpredictably and dramatically, most areas have rapid and extreme shifts in the weather patterns.   There are very few cities in this world, but pockets of protection are able to keep some cities' weather from changing. These climatospheres (???) bubble the city and protect it from the weather changing. Perhaps this is ancient technology that was there for a long time. But a current ruling class has taken ownership of the technology to maintain their power and hidden this information.   The Wanderers: gigantic storms that destroy everything in their path.     Flora and Fauna have adapted to the climate in a variety of different ways.   What is the QUEST?   Players start in one of the cities that are safe, and then the source of the shielding gets stolen and that's what starts them on their quest   Travel the Grand Line to find the One Piece !!! what is this worlds quest?? (one piece???)   Can I some how also put a giant hole into the world ala made in abyss? no I think that might not work, might be too much to have both a giant pit in the world, and awful scary storms.   Maybe the storms are only around a certain part of the world? Like the whole erratic weather phenomeon it global, but maybe the storms are contained at a certain region.

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