The Kraz (species) Species in Voidstar | World Anvil
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The Kraz (species)

From stardust we came, and to stardust we go... I mean, there was like a lot of time between that, not like we did it in a day or anything. A lot of work, y'know?
  • Director Sen Nai
  • Basic Information


    Kraz are humonoid aliens, with two arms and two legs. Kraz head is much larger than that of a human, and shaped flatter. The skin of Kraz is soft, small scales. Kraz have two large black eyes on the sides of their heads, and a large mouth with sharp teeth. The average adult Kraz is about 1 meter tall, and their muscle strength is roughly similar to that of a human of that size, but usually a bit stronger. The Kraz skeletal structure is endoskeletal and quite similar to humans, besides having stronger skulls and spines than that of humans.

    Genetics and Reproduction

    Kraz follow the Standard Genetic Model, having DNA/Genes and reproducing sexually. It takes about 10 human months for a Kraz to gestate.

    Ecology and Habitats

    Kraz prefer hot and dry enviroments, drawing from its roots off its home planet of Kraz which was mostly desert.

    Dietary Needs and Habits

    In the very early days of their evolution, Kraz got food by hiding under the sand and jumping out at passing prey. They require a massive amount of food to sustain their big ol' brains and big eyes.

    Additional Information

    Average Intelligence

    Kraz are extremely intellgent compared to most other species, possessing brains about 50% larger than humans.

    Perception and Sensory Capabilities

    The large eyes of Kraz allow them to see in great detail and distance, but they usually have rather weak hearing compared to most other species. Kraz have a Psionic Capability Index (PCI) of 0.01 (Extremely Low.)

    Civilization and Culture

    Naming Traditions

    Kraz names don't have much meaning. Kraz names are traditionally chosen by the individual themselves at age 10, before then being refered to as "First/Second/Ect. Son/Daughter of [Father]"   First names are picked, last names are passed down from the parents.   Female names are short, with softer sounds Common Female Names: Sen, Ari, Gler, Mai, Duni   Male names are longer, with rougher sounds Common Male Names: Trazal, Dovon, Jungeb, Malur, Izlar   Common Last Names:

    Major Organizations

    Kraz is quite obviously the primary species of Krazmit.

    Beauty Ideals

    The ideal look of a Kraz is clean scales and intelligence. A growing trend of viewing cybernetics as highly attractive has also been seen.

    Gender Ideals

    Females are expected to be in leadership, science, or other intellectual pursuits   Males are usually found in engineering, combat, or labor.

    Average Technological Level

    Kraz have been responsible for most of the major technologies involving robotics and AI, as well as plenty of other sciencey stuff.

    Major Language Groups and Dialects

    Primary language is Kraz, though a lot Kraz have some form of Autotranslator.

    Common Etiquette Rules

    While Kraz can viewed as frantic or manic by other species, this is normal for them. They talk fast and get to the point quickly, and view other species as being lazy for not getting to the point.

    Common Dress Code

    Kraz society never developed much of a value for fashion, and as such most Kraz clothing is directed at comfort or utility over style, like simplistic jumpsuits.


    On the original planet of Kraz, the Kraz evolved as stealthy predators. They buried themselves beneath the sands of the deserts and jumped out at unsuspecting prey.   Krazmit is one of the oldest and one of the strongest empires in galaxy. Countless years ago, Kraz, the home planet of the Kraz, was a desert world, but it was devastated by nuclear war. The few remaining Kraz hid in bunkers. Eventually, they managed to thrive on the surface by modifying themselves with synthetic parts, turning most of the species into cyborgs. Eventually, they rebuilt, but the planet was still in ruins. To help explore and survive, Kraz culture turned into that of science and progress, at any cost. They made massive advancements into robotics and artificial intelligence because of their past reliance on machinery to survive. With these new advances, they took to the stars.

    Historical Figures

    One of the most famous Kraz is Director Sen Nai, the oldest and longest standing Krazmit Director of all time. She discovered how to harness Zero-point vacuum energy, albeit in a chaotic way useful only for explosives.
    100 years
    Average Height
    1.0-1.2 meters
    Average Weight
    50-60 kg
    Average Physique
    Kraz are much shorter than humans, around 3 to 4 feet tall.
    Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
    Scale color of Kraz is usually orange to red.

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